Ward Mission Initiative

Dear ward members,

First of all, thank you for your help with this!

Both before and during the pandemic, our missionaries have experienced unprecedented success finding people to teach through social media. They have asked for our help creating posts, videos, and other content which is shared through the Mendon Stake Facebook and Youtube sites, and which leads to conversations with non-members over the internet--leading to conversion.

Here is how it works:

  • When you are invited to share, please think about a time in your life when a specific gospel principle really hit home for you

  • Write a couple of short sentences or paragraphs about how the knowledge of this gospel principle applied in everyday life, using language that will relate to people not of our faith. As an example, avoid using phrases non-members are not familiar with, like Plan of Salvation, the Atonement, The Gospel, Endowment, Sealing, Celestial Kingdom, etc. Instead, focus on basics like belief in Christ, faith, hope, spiritual nourishment, etc

  • If possible, include some applicable photos or a video to make the post more engaging

  • Forward the text and photo/videos either to Brother Workman (jeremiahdworkman@gmail.com or 208-360-6957) or the missionaries (500313953@missionary.org or 435-374-9635)

  • The missionaries will make the content into a post, edit grammar, add some hashtags, etc., and post to the site

  • Members who subscribe to or “follow” the stake site, will see the posts once they are published, enabling them to Share the content to their own social media pages

  • Everyone in the Sharer’s circles have the ability to comment, like, and share the content

  • Missionaries reach out to those who engage with the content and start gospel discussions

Here are some examples of posts being made by members of our stake.

The first is an example of a recent post made by a member of the 2nd Ward. Notice it is very basic, easy for a non-member to understand, and gospel-centered. The post might have taken less than 10 minutes to write up.

It is NOT required to make a video post, as Craig did above, and as the below instructional sheets indicate. This is just an example. We want you to make this as simple as you want, but as meaningful as you can! We know that your belief in the teachings of Christ have the power to change hearts

Here is another simple example of just a statement of belief and a photo

Below are some guidelines which we hope will be helpful as you go about doing this. Don’t feel like you have to do exactly as stated--again, we want this to be meaningful and from the heart, without constraints

If you want to go above and beyond and create a video, here are some tips for doing that. We want to help you in any way we can, so the stake is providing the resources to get it done.